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Hephzibah Network International celebrates 25 years of the supernatural move of God

Hephzibah Network International celebrates 25 years of the supernatural move of God. It is with absolute recognition of God’s grace that we acknowledge His faithfulness in the past 25 years. The emergence and evolution of the Hephzibah Network International Ministry will be incomplete of the presence of the EX-IJMB students who started the move.
The visionary is Dr. Pastor Gbenga Owotoki; on Saturday 13th September 1997 between the hours of 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm. In compound 4-room 5 of the Kwara State Polytechnic hostel in Kwara State.
This divine instruction gave birth to a reunion programme that involves ex-IJMB past students and current IJMB students on Sunday 7th December 1997 for the assignment ahead. The Lord showed the convener three sets of doors; in each set, there were a number of doors, and we were able to pass through the first set with ease.
Having gone through the first door, we approach the second set of doors with boldness and determination; we heard to blow hard for the doors to open. The third set of doors that were sealed up with iron hands. A divine force from heaven broke the brass and open the doors. Some of us had cuts on our body as a result of the broken brass, but when we came out of the door, we saw the pulpit and the large congregation.

The Lord gave confirmation to His word on Wednesday 17th September 1997 around 8:00 am. Isaiah 45:1,2,8,9, and 14. The Lord assured us that he will go before us and lighten our path. For the purpose of clarity, some selfless brothers embarked on a three-day prayer retreat on the 9th of October, 1997. It was a time of thick groaning profuse sweat and holy tears and heaven heard our cry as we launched into the deep revelation. We knew going back will not bring out the solution but going forward because God is with us. The convener Dr Pst. Gbenga Owotoki described his encounter in April 1998 at Eyenkorin, Kwara state with about 23 people from that year up till the camp meeting had been held without any charges on anyone. God has been gracious to provide feeding and accommodation.
Many times the pioneer leaders would have to support the camp meeting. The pioneer leaders include Pastor Gbenga Owotoki, Pastor Eunice Owotoki, Pastor Sunday Adefila, Ven. Dr Feranmi, Pastor Elijah Akinyode, Pastor Biodun Ajayi, Sister Tessy Chris, Sister Kehinde Adebayo, Sister Bukky Oluwabiyi, Bro Adefila, Bro. Jacob Oyemi, Pastor Sunday Oladeji, Brother Odufuye, Brother Wale Motayo. It was a small beginning, but as we journey on the Lord, the reminded the visionary that it was time to move on to the next level of the ministry. Dr. Pastor Gbenga Owotoki went ahead to seek the Lord and carried the leadership along; God gave the name Hephzibah International Network Ministry; conforming to his word in Isaiah 62:4
However, the giant conference held in 2008 marked a turning point for the ministry. Theme: More than Conqueror at Eyenkorin, Kwara State where there were over one thousand participants. The theme of the subsequent conferences is as follows:
2009: Giant Conference “Joint Heirs”
2010: Hope of Glory
2011: Revelation for Transformation
2012: In the Day of His Power
2014: The Making of the Firebrands
2015: Heigh Heights
2016: Mantle for Battle
2017: Moving from Grave Land to Grace Land
2018:The Wonders of the Holy Ghost
2019: The Double Portion
2020: The Realms Of Glory
2021: The Power Of His Presence
2022: Tarry To Carry
All these conferences marked a turning point in our lives where God confirmed His words. The Lord continued to confirm His word through the leadership. The ministry has expanded in several states and nations. God continues to open doors for the ministry. The Lord commanded us to converge ending of the year to appreciate Him for what He has done. The end-of-the-year praise event is tagged “ Praise Rumble” and through this medium, lives have been transformed. We have heard anointed men and women like: Pastor Nathaniel Bassey, Big Bolaji, Jerry Sax, Bukola Bekes, Jeffson, Baba Erujeje, P.Jerry, Minstrel Seun Daramola,Minstrel Sola,Bolu Gold and other anointed minstrels.
We continue to advance in the ministry as the Lord instructed the leadership to move to Lagos to hold an annual seminar “Life Inspiration for Exploit” Summit which started in Kwara State, with Christian Association of Nigeria. In obedience to this, October 2nd, 2013, life summit theme: Unleashing Your God-given Potentials, Restoring Lost Hopes at the SBIL Center, Ikeja, Lagos.

God has been equipping men for His purpose through the life summit.
The subsequent edition are as follows;
2014 “Raising an Incorruptible Breed for Global Impact
2015: Thy Kingdom Come, the Emergence of Kingdom Pillars”
2016: The Quest for Authentic Transformation.
2017: Relevance Fire Up for Exploits
2018: Empowered to Become
2019: Pumped Up Breaking out of the Cocoon
2020: For Such A Time Like This
2021:For Such A Time Like This
2022: Not Business As Usual
We have had great speakers like Fela Durotoye, Victor Adeyemi, Dr Bola Akin John, Rev Victor Adefemi, Pastor Simi Adedipe, Pst. C.M.D Ellmi ,Pastor Elijah Akinyode, Pastor Adewale Champion, Mrs Kehinde Adebayo and other great speakers. As the Lord grow the ministry, the Lord reminded the visionier Dr. Gbenga Owotoki of the need to preserve and nurture this seed. Mountain Top International Church was birthed on 3rd May 2015, God has been faithful, and we have seen Him prove Himself as he has promised . In the past 25 years, we have seen a supernatural shift, mind-blowing testimonies, a proof that God has a hand in His work. We thank God for the past 25 years and all the resilient men and women who have stood by Dr Gbenga Owotoki in course of the journey.
Congratulations to Dr. Gbenga Owotoki and his Wife and Congratulations to Hephzibah international Network Ministry.
He who has called us is faithful to complete that which he has committed to our hands.
Brace up, Hephzibah International Network Ministry for greater glory awaits you.


Raising up Giants for end-time exploits.

Our mission is to have network of believers all over the world who are part of the fellowship of the unashamed people who have the Holy Spirit’s power. To raise a people who make God’s kingdom and its righteousness first in their pursuit knowing fully that this is the secret to receiving other bounties. To raise believers who will live by faith, lean on His presence, walk by patience, uplifted by prayer and favoured by grace. To raise God’s generals who will not flinch in the face of sacrifice, hesitate in the presence of adversary, negotiate at the table of enemy, ponder at the pool of popularity or meander in the maze of mediocrity. To raise Christ’s disciples who will not give up, shut up, let up, until they have stayed up, stored up, preached up, for the cause of Christ.

– We are non-denominational in operation
– To be a shining example of believers in righteousness and integrity and prepare people for heaven.
– To be an instrument through which many will come to experience the saving power of our Lord Jesus Christ.
– To be a centre through which believers in Christ Jesus can be strengthened, equipped and made ready to become agents of positive change in our world.
– To raise giants (leaders) with high integrity in every facet of life (be it in ministry, politics, corporate world, etc), who will be true ambassadors of heaven.
– To be the kingdom instrument through which the present and coming generations will discover their purpose for living.
– To be a conduit for personal, national and global revival of godly traits and spiritual awakening.
– To seek to create an atmosphere of love and fellowship in Christ Jesus regardless of denominational affiliations.

– Preparing people for heaven.
– Revival of righteousness
– Excellent living both spiritually and physically

We operate through the following networks to fulfill our mandate.
– Students’ Network. We connect students in our tertiary institutions to Christ, to fellow Christian students and to the great commission. We believe that these are the people that will take over the leadership of this nation (be it in ministry, politics, corporate world, etc), thus, the need to be prepare them. Our staffs share the good news of Christ to these students on campuses on a daily basis. Those who give their lives to Christ are disciple, offered life- coaching and a platform for peer- learning.
– Young Professionals’ Network. Membership of this network is opened to graduates. These young professionals connect first with Christ, network among themselves and seek to bring others to the saving knowledge of Christ. They are exposed to skills and knowledge that will help them in every aspect of their lives.
– Virtual Network. We seek to connect everyone in the world to Christ using the internet. We are able to reach out to people who are in places where we do not have physical presence and even in areas that are termed ‘closed’ to the gospel. You can look us up on the various social media platforms. Please like and follow our pages. Look up Hephzibah Network international. Will be glad to have you join us.
– Church Network: Through our numerous evangelistic programs, it was imperative as led by the Lord to establish churches as discipleship centers to nurture the fruits form these spiritual outreaches. We are focused on preparing people for heaven and raising them to fulfilling their God given purpose here on earth.

Campus Invasion: this is a programme we organize on campuses to empower students spiritually and physically so that they can fulfill their heavenly mandate. Through these programme, participants have experienced Apostolic revival, developed leadership skills and cultivate entrepreneurship acumen.
Giant conference: Participants from all over the country gather together annually to awaken the sleeping giants within them. It is a four day power-packed retreat that fires the participants to seek after Righteousness and motivates and inspires them to fulfill their purpose on earth.
FamilyStrong: This is an arm of the ministry targeted at raising godly families with Jesus at the center. It will explore challenges facing the 21st century Christian family and proffer practical and godly solutions that will help maintain strong families doing great exploits for Jesus. No aspect of the family life will be left out. This is the family diagnostic center for the ministry.

State Conference: By God’s grace we have chapters in several states and countries in the world.
state conference holds in several states and regions yearly, it is usually power and massive all to the glory of God.

High Octane Virtual programs: High Octane is a program that holds often on WhatsApp (central and state based).
By God’s grace life has been impacted through through the high octane connect sessions.
Life summit: Life Inspiration For Exploit is a programme that is held annually and it is geared towards self discovery, developing the leader within you, capacity building and human development.
Praise Rumble: Usually comes up towards the end of the year. It is usually a powerful time of Praise and worship to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. It’s a time when our Praise Rumble high into the heavens and the resultant Glory of God tumbles barricades in our lives. It is a must attend.
Mountaintop Faith International Church: This is the church arm of the ministry. It is a place designed to nurture, disciple and equip the ‘fruits harvested’ from the field. It is the ‘Gleaning Center’ where people are raised till they come to the full stature of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is a place where the helpless and down trodden will find succor from their many troubles through the grace of God.
Feel free to sign up to be a part of this move for end time exploits.

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The Founder

Emmanuel Olu Falodun is a prominent author and pastor known for his contributions to leadership development and prayer ministry. He has written several books that focus on leadership, spiritual growth, and overcoming challenges in prayer. Some of his notable works include “The Unstoppable Leader,” “How to Lead Sensibly, Sensitively, and Supernaturally,” and “What To Do When Prayer Becomes Difficult”​

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