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AMF Celebrates 17 Years Soaring Beyond Limits: A Faith Heroes Africa Special Coverage

Dec 10, 2023Faith Heroes Africa is delighted to share the outstanding highlights from the 17th Anniversary Thanksgiving celebration of the African Ministers’ Fellowship (AMF), which unfolded yesterday.

The event showcased the enduring spirit of unity, faithfulness, and collaboration that has defined AMF’s remarkable journey over the past seventeen years.

In a moving prayer echoing Christ’s apostolic devotion, AMF’s leaders, including Pastor Michael Dada, Chairman of the Board of Regents, and Pastor Stephen Olujimi, President, passionately expressed a desire for perfect unity.

Their dedication to fostering an environment of divine love and cooperation was evident throughout the celebration, standing as a testament to the fellowship’s unwavering commitment to spiritual growth and collaborative ministry.

Speech by AMF Leadership

“Father, I want these whom you have given me to be with me where I am. May they experience such perfect unity that the world will know that you sent me and that you love them as much as you love me.
AMF also needs that apostolic prayer.

Our contributions of any kind to this organization are not to any man but to the Chief Shepherd Himself.
Therefore, let us not be lazy but let us work hard and serve the Lord enthusiastically and with every fiber of our being, knowing fully well that we shall receive the reward if we faint not according to Gal. 6:9.
We were not selected to run the affairs of this organization; you voted us in. Anyone else could have been here to do what we are doing but for the grace of God and your confidence in us.
We promise we will not disappoint you. Welcome to our 17th Anniversary thanksgiving celebrations 2023. Thank you.”

Special Guests

A multitude of distinguished guests and important personalities graced the occasion. Notably, the founder of Faith Heroes Africa, Pastor Emmanuel Falodun, attended the celebration alongside his wife (pictured below), adding a special touch to the event.

Their presence underscored the significance of the occasion and the broader community of faith leaders coming together.

Lecture by Pastor Michael Dada


Pastor Michael Dada delivered an insightful lecture on the theme “Rising above Limitations,” drawing inspiration from Job 14:1, where it is emphasized that everyone faces problems.He highlighted that limitations, often viewed as stumbling blocks, hinder individuals from accomplishing their vision, manifesting as constraints, obstacles, and barriers.

Pastor Dada delved into the reasons for limitations, emphasizing that they help direct our actions, define our true identity, focus on things that matter, and spur creativity.
Turning stumbling blocks into stepping stones, he referenced Romans 8:37, encouraging all to rise above limitations, and Romans 18:29, illustrating the concept of leaping over challenges.
He concluded with 2nd Timothy 1:7, asserting that fear should have no place in overcoming limitations.

Afterwards,  he then handed over the microphone to Pastor Sam Ore who took the center stage and then delivered a powerful prayer ministration that reverberated with the audience.

Mere words alone are not enough to describe this experience.


Pastor Reggie Opara’s reflective piece, “AMF: A Journey Down Memory Lane,” gracefully recounted the skepticism surrounding AMF’s inception in 2006.
The article highlighted the fellowship’s remarkable journey, narrating stories of unity, togetherness, and trust that have marked the last seventeen years.

“We’ve all been witnesses to AMF’s commitment to unity and collaboration,” shares Pastor Michael Dada, the regional overseer of the Deeper Life Bible Church in the Mid-Atlantic and South regions.
“This celebration is a testimony to the faithfulness of God and the dedication of those who have been part of AMF’s extraordinary journey.”

AMF is not just as an organization but as a divine calling—a fellowship that rises above earthly limitations.
The 17th Anniversary celebration featured heartfelt prayers, messages of hope, and a special tribute to the contributions of past presidents and executives, including Pastor Peter Okoroajuzie, Secretary, and Pastor (Mrs) Victoria Olatuyi, Prayer Leader.

AMF also acknowledged the continuous support from past presidents and executives, extending gratitude to the Baltimore chapter for its dedicated efforts in planning this remarkable event.
It underscores the importance of unity in diversity, a theme that has been a hallmark of AMF and was vividly celebrated yesterday.

Some History

Established in 2006, the African Ministers’ Fellowship (AMF) was birthed through the visionary leadership of Pastor Michael Dada, a Regional Overseer with the Deeper Life Church.
Convening a meeting of ministers in the Washington metropolitan area, the inaugural gathering at Deeper Life Bible Church marked the genesis of the fellowship.Since its inception, the fellowship has dynamically evolved, transitioning from one church location to another, fostering a spirit of unity among pastors, ministers, and church leaders.
At its core, AMF is dedicated to uniting ministers, facilitating mutual support, and collectively focusing on the divine work of God. The fellowship’s mantra, “Working Together for the Kingdom of God,” encapsulates its purpose and continued existence.
With active chapters spanning Baltimore, Virginia, Louisiana, Arkansas, Tennessee, and Mississippi, AMF is poised to expand its footprint, with plans to establish additional chapters nationwide.
The fellowship extends a warm invitation to ministers from diverse cities and states, inviting them to join hands in the collective pursuit of serving the Master.
Additionally, AMF aims to collaborate in building robust evangelism teams, nurturing vibrant music ministries, supporting various church programs, empowering members, and enhancing their skills through seminars and workshops. Furthermore, the organization is dedicated to engaging in joint evangelistic outreaches and raising awareness about the indispensable tools for church growth.

In Conclusion…

As AMF continues to grow and thrive, it remains steadfast in its commitment to fostering unity, facilitating collaboration, and empowering ministers for impactful service in the Kingdom of God.
Happy seventeenth birthday AMF!

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The Founder

Emmanuel Olu Falodun is a prominent author and pastor known for his contributions to leadership development and prayer ministry. He has written several books that focus on leadership, spiritual growth, and overcoming challenges in prayer. Some of his notable works include “The Unstoppable Leader,” “How to Lead Sensibly, Sensitively, and Supernaturally,” and “What To Do When Prayer Becomes Difficult”​

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